Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Evaluating Spring Reactive & WebFlux framework as base for streaming Microservices


There are already many excellent introductory articles on reactive programming, about the reactor project and its integration within the Spring Framework.

This post is about comparing the "standard " Spring framework to the reactive framework as a base for streaming Microservices

There is an excellent example project on github from Mark Paluch illustrating the difference between both ideas.

For the moment there is a lack of performance benchmarks. It is difficult to know if the reactive frameworks with all their overhead outperform the standard way of things.

If you really think it through, it is actually allowing the application to handle the scheduling of the CPU resources (asynchronous/reactive) vs letting the OS handle the CPU resources.


I wanted to perform a quick and basic performance/load test with a base streaming app building block that does some data enrichment.

Reactive Kafka Consumer⇒Reactive REST towards external service for data enrichment⇒Reactive Kafka Producer


Kafka Consumer⇒Blocking REST⇒Kafka Producer

The reactive way

The reactive setup will keep on pulling Kafka records, and buffering up REST requests waiting for for their answers. Nothing will block. Once a response is received from the data enrichment service and the original data is enriched, the data is passed to the Kafka producer.
Since nothing in this pipe line is supposed to be blocking, the only thing stalling the processing is the amount we are willing to buffer. In this particular case, outstanding REST requests with their associated network sockets.

The standard way

The Kafka consumer will poll the Kafka Broker for records. The records will be fur in different workers threads.  Each record is submitted to an ExecutorService with a pool of worker threads doing the actual work. Each worker thread, once scheduled for work will issue a REST request and stall until it receives a response. Then it will proceed sending the final result to Kafka, and then accepting the next record, and so on.

Since the REST request is blocking, a thread is blocked and is not able to any further processing until a response is received. That means that any outstanding REST request consumes a thread.

The code

        ReceiverOptions<String, String> receiverOptions =
                ReceiverOptions.<String, String>create(consumerProps)

        Flux<ReceiverRecord<String, String>> inboundFlux =
Creating the Reactive Kafka consumer

        WebClient webClient = WebClient.builder()
Creating the Reactive web client

        SenderOptions<String, String> senderOptions =
                SenderOptions.<String, String>create(producerProps);

        KafkaSender<String, String> kafkaSender = KafkaSender.create(senderOptions);
Creating the Reactive Kafka producer

The heart of the reactive chain

    public static Mono<String> enrichData(WebClient client, ReceiverRecord<String, String > r) {
        WebClient.ResponseSpec responseSpec = client.get().retrieve();
        Mono<String> restResp = responseSpec.bodyToMono(String.class);
        return -> m + " " + r.key());

The data enrichment method

                        r -> {
                            return enrichData(webClient, r);
                        .map(r -> new ProducerRecord<String, String>("output-topic", r)))
The reactive chain

One of the issues encountered in that part, was how to map the result of the web client which is a single REST response back towards to a stream of record. In Reactor terminology: from a Mono<String> back to Flux<String>. This is done here by using the flapMap operator which accepts a Function with Publisher as parameter. Publisher is the base interface of both Mono's and Flux's

The results

Note the actual results are dependent on the machines, Kafka brokers, you are running it on. But the conclusion should be pretty independent of your setup.
  •  At low loads, the standard solution +- compares to the reactive solution . Sometimes the standard solution slightly outperforms the reactive one from a system resource point of view (%cpu, %mem)
  •  At higher loads the standard solution starts using a huge amount of threads to cope with the stalling REST requests, which encompass system resources, cpu's spending time context switching. 
On the other hand the reactive solution doesn't need to create additional threads to cope with the load.
In my low performance setup with a load of 4000 Kafka records/s and a 100ms delay in the enrichment rest service.
  • Standard: 520 threads, 520 sockets, 32%CPU usage, 8.3%Memory
  • Reactive: 37 threads, 502 sockets, 16%CPU usage, 4.3%Memory

With my setup, I could not get really get higher than 4000 Record/s, but I think we can safely extrapolate the results to higher loads.

Conclusion and final notes

We see that in this particular setup the Spring reactive framework does a good job especially when the standard synchronous framework is starting to use a huge amount of resources to cope with latencies and delays.

I don't pretend reactive programming is the response to all issues. The Spring Reactive framework needs much more benchmarking and performance characterization. 

There are other reactive frameworks, other asynchronous/event driven frameworks that were not considered here.
On a final note, we can see that both solutions creates a large amount HTTP of connections to cope with the delays. This is due to the nature of the HTTP protocol: you cannot issue a new request on the same connection before receiving the response. This raise the question whether HTTP is a good candidate for high performance REST based services. 

Most probably HTTP2 should perform better here

I had to increase "reactor.bufferSize.small" to increase the number of pending reactive REST requests

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